All right, Stephen.
Come on, Stephen!
Come on, Brian.
Kick that old man's ass!
Run, damn you!
l'm comin'. l'm comin'!
Aw, shit!
Are you okay?
Run, damn you!
Oh, shit.
Okay, roll the hose.
- Are you kidding me? By myself?
- You heard me.
- What about Tim?
- Aw, shit. What about Tim?
For Christ's sake.
Next time l'll let you win.
You got a problem
with drilling, Probie?
- ls that it?
- No! l don't have a problem with it.
But let's just have
one drill, Lieutenant,
-not one for the company and one for me.
-Roll the hose now!
l'm not gonna quit, Stephen.
You hear me?
l'm not gonna quit.
My baby!
My baby is still up there!
- Please, somebody!
- Where's your baby at?
How many men
you got in there?
My baby is still up there.
Please help me!