Barton Fink

His gut tells him
what's good and what's...

merely adequate.
I don't pretend to be a critic,
but Lord knows I have a gut,
and my gut tells me it's simply...
And a charming gut it is.
Oh, you dog.
Oh, stop.
[ Bell Jingles ]
I thought you were going to join us.
Jesus, Garland,
you left me alone with those people?

Don't panic.
I'll join you in a minute.
We have to talk a little business.
I've just been on the phone
to Los Angeles.

Barton, Capitol Pictures wants to
put you under contract.

They've offered you $1,000 a week.
I think I can get them
to go as high as 2.

To do what?
What do you do for a living?
I'm not sure anymore.
I guess I try to make a difference.
There's no pressure here
because I respect you,

but a brief tenure in Hollywood
could support you through the writing
of any number of plays.
I don't know, Garland.
My place is here right now.
I feel I'm on the brink of success.
I'd say you're already enjoying some.
No. Don't you see?
Not the kind of success
where critics fawn over you

or producers like Derek
make a lot of money.

No. A real success.
The success we've been dreaming about--
the creation of a new living theater
of and about and for the common man.
If I ran off to Hollywood now,
I'd be making money,
going to parties,
meeting the big shots,

but I'd be cutting myself off
from the wellspring of that success,
from the common man.
Oh, I guess I'm spouting off again.
You see Caven's review?
No. What did it say?
