something honest.
I got to tell you,
the life of the mind...
There's no road map
for that territory.
And exploring it
can be painful.
I have pain most people
don't know anything about.
This must be boring you.
Not at all.
It's damned interesting.
Probably sounds a little grand
for someone who's writing
a wrestling picture
for Wallace Beery.
You got no beef there.
He's a hell of an actor,
though you can't beat Jack Oakie.
A stitch, Oakie.
Funny stuff, funny stuff.
But don't get me wrong.
Beery? Wrestling picture?
Could be a pip.
Could be a pip.
Wrestled myself some back in school.
I guess you know the basic moves.
No. I never watched any.
I'm not interested in the act.
Hell, you should know
what it's about.
I can show you
the wrestling basics in 30 seconds.
You're a little
out of your weight class,
but just for demonstration purposes...
That's all right.
Not a bit of it, compadre.
Easiest thing in the world.
Just get on your knees
to my left here.
Slap your right hand here,
your left hand here.
Come on, champ.
You can do it. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Yeah. There you go.
Right there.
All right.
Now, when I say, "Ready, wrestle,"
we try to pin each other.
That's the whole game.
Got it?
Yeah. Okay.
Ready? Wrestle.
1, 2, 3.
Damn. There I go again.
Going to wake up
the downstairs neighbors.
I didn't hurt you, did I?
It's okay.
Well, that's all wrestling is.
Usually there's
more grunting and squirming
before the pin.
Well, you're out of your weight class.
Jesus, I did hurt you.
I sure do apologize.
I'm just a big, clumsy lug.