I hope these are your shoes.
Because that would mean...
they gave you mine.
As a matter of fact, they did.
Come on in.
Jesus, what a day I had.
Ever have one of those days?
Seems like nothing but lately.
Jesus, what a day.
Felt like I couldn't have sold
ice water in the Sahara.
Okay. So you don't want insurance.
Okay. So that's your loss.
But, God, people can be rude.
I feel like I have to talk
to a normal person like you
just to restore a little of my...
It's my pleasure.
I could use a little lift myself.
A little lift? Yeah.
Good thing they bottle it, huh, pal?
Did I say rude?
People can be goddamn cruel,
especially some of these housewives.
So I have a weight problem.
That's my cross to bear.
I don't know.
It's a defense mechanism.
Defense against what, insurance?
Something they need?
Something they should be
grateful to me for offering?
A little peace of mind.
Finally decided
to knock off early.
Went to see a doctor about this.
He told me I had an ear infection.
$10, please.
I says, "Hell, I told you
my ear was infected.
Why don't you give me $10?"