Couldn't keep quiet,
could we?
Just had to invite him to stay,
didn't we?
Serve him tea,
sit in the master's chair.
- Pet the pooch!
- I was trying to be hospitable.
Is anyone here?
Papa? Papa?
Are you here?
Mama, there's a girl
in the castle.
Now, Chip, I'll not have you
making up such wild stories.
Really, Mama.
I saw her.
- Not another word. Into the tub.
- But... What...
A girl!
I saw a girl in the castle!
See, I told ya!
Irresponsible, devil-may-care,
waxy eared, slack-jawed...
Did you see that?
- It's a girl!
- I know it's a girl.
Don't you see? She's the one!
The girl we have been waiting for!
- She has come to break the spell!
- Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Is someone here?
I'm looking for my father. L...
That's funny.
I'm sure there was someone.
I-Is anyone here?
- Belle?
- Papa!
- H-H-How did you find me?
- Oh, your hands are like ice.
- We have to get you out of there.
- Belle, I want you to leave this place.
- Who's done this to you?
- No time to explain.
- You must go. Now!
- I won't leave you.
- What are you doing here?
- Run, Belle!
- Who's there? Who are you?
- The master of this castle.
I've come for my father.
Please let him out.
- Can't you see he's sick?
- Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!