
No quiero ser maleducado,
pero no van con nada.

3.900 les pagamos a tres para que
se encargaran. ¿Por qué vinimos?

Conoces su forma de pensar.
Ben tiene sólo un problema.

El mismo que tenía cuando
de niños jugábamos juntos.

No respeta el dinero.
Pero eso es para el verano...
y tú no llegarás al verano.

Si sólo fueran negocios, vendería
seguros o vestidos importados.

I don't want to be rude to you,
but they don't go with anything.

$3,900 we paid three guys to take
care of this. Why are we here?

You know his thinking process.
Ben has only one problem.

The same problem he had when
we were kids together on the street.

He doesn't respect money.
But that's for summer... and you
don't have to worry about summer.

If it was just business, I'd sell
insurance or import dresses.
