Okay, Cady, the moment
you've been waiting for.
Any people coming for you, Cady?
-What about your books?
-Already read them.
Hi. How are you?
-¿Cómo estás?
This ropa limpia?
No, that means "clean." These are dirty.
The idea is to resolve the tension.
I need to find a motif
that's about movement.
Not the most mind-blowing concept
for a travel agency...
...but what the hey?
-Like an arrow, maybe?
-Yeah, like an arrow.
But, see, then the other aspect
is stability...
...a company that you can trust.
So if you can balance those ideas...
...in a way that's pleasing to the eye
then you got a logo.
Okay: Movement, stability...
...and an arrow.
Okay, I'll think of something for that one.