Gotta git.
I'm late for another appointment.
I got some good news.
I got the bank, the account number.
I'll call your son-in-law's lawyer,
tell him we're going to court.
Mr. Bowden, your wife's on line one.
Ask her to hold. I have to make a call.
-I wouldn't make that call. The way I'd...
-Mr. Bowden...
...she says it's urgent.
...these kind of horrible,
high-pitched howls.
They sounded like he was screaming...
...and then Dani came running in, and I...
...I called the vet.
Then it was so weird because...
...it was like he was winding down...
...just winding down like an old clock.
Then, all of a sudden, he just stopped.
He had this kind of...
...his eyes just wide open,
and this kind of...
...surprised look.
And then...
...then he died.
He just died, before the vet even got here.
What did the vet say?
-That he was poisoned.
What kind of poison?
-I don't know what kind of poison.
-Jesus! I told you not to let him out.
-I didn't let him out!
-Then how?
I've got an English setter myself,
so I don't cotton to dog killers.
Trouble is, poisoning a dog is just a fine.
But if he's unemployed,
he has to have money...
...or we'll bust him for vagrancy.
We'll give him a full-body strip search.
Jerk a knot in his tail.
All right.
They got so many ways on the books
to lean on an undesirable.