...at least not out loud.
But the parole board kept him in
for another seven years.
The subject is on the move.
Get a good night's sleep.
-Who was that?
-Our private eye.
I thought we were relaxed now.
New Essex County Hospital.
Yes, room 5036, please.
-One minute, please.
-All right.
-Hi, Lori, it's me.
I just feel God-awful
you got dragged into this thing.
It's not your fault.
If I had any idea that Cady would hurt you
to get at me, I would have warned you.
Yeah, I know. I'm glad you called.
Yeah, well.
-I'm so sorry about this.
-I feel the same way.
Are you really determined
about moving back to Connecticut?
I've thought about it a lot.
I just think it's probably the best thing.
I thought that maybe
I could go back to school.
I'm really going to miss you.
Right. Excuse me.
-That sounds real good.
-That'll work out fine. I'll get back to you.
-All right, 'bye.
Well, I just don't know what I hate more:
That insipid tone
or your stupid, sophomoric infidelities.
Who was that?
-The girl that got beat up?
-Yes, it was.
I already told you.
She's a clerk at the county courthouse.
And what? You're fucking her?
Interesting choice, Sam.
Calling from our bedroom phone.
Why is it that whenever I have
a private phone conversation...
...you assume that I'm fucking someone?
That's why that psychopath
chose her, right?
Yes, that's why he chose her.
But I'm not fucking her in any way.
Well, you sleazy son of a bitch!
Stop it!
Dani is right downstairs.
-Honey, there's nothing the matter.
-Yeah, I can see, Dad.