Thousands of people
over in St. Louis...
got no idea
how full of shit you are.
You've been alive for
21 years, my friend.
Plenty of time
for most people...
to find a place
for themselves.
Well, I'm not like
everybody else.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Yeah, that's for sure.
How about if I...
I work for you
for free?
I'm afraid not, Jimmy.
Think about St. Louis.
- Hey, Josie.
- Hi.
- Fill her up?
- Fill her up.
How you doin'?
You got fired again,
didn't you? Didn't you?
Who told you that?
- Hubie Marshall called me at work.
- He called you at work?
That's it, I'm gonna...
What'd he say?
He said
he fired ya!
He said that?
And you believed him?
Damn straight I do!
With all due respect, Dad,
you're Mr. Gullible. Sometimes.
The truth of the matter is,
Dad, I resigned.
- I'll tell you something else.
- Shut up, Jimmy!
I had no idea the job was
gonna be a hire/fire situation.
Luther Betenhauser's boy
is doing better.