Career Opportunities

You know, I'm locked
in this store here...

because I didn't have
the guts to steal a skirt...

so I could get arrested
and embarrass my father...

in this stupid,
desperate, childish,

pathetic attempt to leave home.
You have your underwear
yanked up your ass.

I have my entire life
yanked up my ass!

You were speaking figuratively.
I was speaking literally.

And you're happy.
You're happy.

I'm not happy.
I'm working nights.
Everybody thinks I'm a liar.

My whole family's
laughing at me.

Reverend Harwell gave me
the finger last week.

At least you have
some control over your life.

- So do you.
- My father controls my life.

You're over 18.
You can tell him to drop dead.

- So can you.
- I don't want to.

I like living at home.
- No, you don't.
- Am I a garden snail?

An involuntary muscle
in a janitor suit?

I know what I want to do.
What could
you possibly like...

about living at
home at your age?

The meals are great.
I mean, there's cable.

The accommodations
are excellent, five-star.

What do you care if
I'm living at home or not?

Hey, I didn't come here
to irritate you.

Well, you're beginning to.
That's really great.

I gotta stop saying
those kinds of things.

Those freakin' kids!
I knew I couldn't trust 'em.

Town liar.
That's a nice rep.

I bet it was Gregory,
that little weasel.

Top secret, and they still
shoot off their mouths!

If I'd really been
a French spy,

those little tots
would've gotten me killed!

Piano wire wrapped around my neck.
My testicles shoved down my throat.

A piece of dynamite
stuck up my ass!

She's so beautiful.
