No lividity.
She hasn't been gone long.
Go on, Dickey. Take a look at her.
You may forget the woman you were with
last night, but you won't forget her.
Pinola, she was dead when you came in?
Yes, sir. I couldn't find a pulse in her, sir.
What time was that?
About 8:40.
- 8:42 exactly.
- We got any witnesses?
- No.
- No defense cuts. Fingernails are clean.
Why don't you check the windows
and the doors?
Boy, whoever did this
fucked up all over the place.
This is the Gong Show of murder.
What's her name?
- Felicity Turner.
- Married?
Yes, has a daughter, too.
She doesn't know. She's out with friends.
Lamar says maybe rape and robbery.
Is that what you say, Dickey-boy?
That's right.
She's wearing a gold watch, Lamar.
Robbers don't leave gold watches behind,
do they?
See that hole in the head?
You know what that is?
A hard contact wound.
You must be angry enough to press
the gun smack against the head to do that.
His Unhappiness shot her in the bathroom.
First in the head, then in the chest.
He left her lying in there,
and left the bullet in the bathroom wall.
Then he sat around a bit thinking about
what he had done, sweating up his socks.
Maybe he had a cigarette or two.
He started getting the idea
his life was over.
So he drags her out the bathroom into the
kitchen trying to make it look like a rape.