Look, I'm the station manager.
I'm responsible... for the quality
of work here at the station...
...so, until further notice, I shall
personally approve all the new spots.
What? I can't make a deal
without checking with you first?
Just till you get back on track.
So we're doing this job
on 60th and 3rd...
...big friggin' ballbreaker
of a job, right?
We got the area roped off so
that some schmuck don't walk in...
...and take a wreckin' ball
between the eyes.
All of a sudden, this woman, with the big,
dark glasses, the Bloomingdale's bags...
...she starts walkin' through the ropes.
I yelled down at her "Hey, you
can't go there, you stupid bitch!"
Suddenly, this big steam fitting bursts...
...and this enormous goddamn crane
crashes right down on her legs...
...and she's screaming "My legs! My legs!"
And I say "No shit, your legs. You got
a 2,000lb goddamn crane on 'em."
Now, do you know how, in an emergency,
you can get superhuman strength?
I reach down and I lift this crane...
...and Ernesto's able
to slide her out from under...
...and the doctors were
able to save her legs!
So the moral is... don't walk
where you're not supposed to walk...
...because there may not be somebody
with superhuman strength to save you.
And don't do drugs.
That's it.
Thank you, Mr Morelli.
That was... very descriptive.
Daniel, would you introduce your father,
please, and tell us what he does?
My Dad's named Mitch and he's...
...he's a submarine commander.
He works for WBLM radio.