City Slickers

Well, like Danny said,
I work for WBLM radio.

- Are you a disc jockey?
- No, I'm not a disc jockey.

You know the commercials
that are on the radio?

Do you make all those commercials?
No. Other people
make the commercials.

I sell them time on our station
for the commercials to be on.

So you decide which
commercials to use and when.

That's right. Well, no, it's
not right. It used to be right.

Seems now that I have to check with the
station manager if I wanna wipe my nose.

The minute he took away
my authority, I shoulda quit.

Mr Robbins?
Value this time in your life, kids.
This is the time in your life
when you still have your choices.

It goes by so fast.
When you're a teenager, you think
you can do anything, and you do.

Your 20s are a blur. 30s, you raise
your family, you make a little money...

...and you think to yourself
"What happened to my 20s?"

40s, you grow a little pot belly, you grow
another chin. The music gets too loud.

An old girlfriend from high school
becomes a grandmother.

50s, you have a minor surgery. You'll
call it a "procedure", but it's a surgery.

60s, you'll have a major surgery.
The music is still loud...

...but you can't hear it anyway.
70s, you and the wife
retire to Fort Lauderdale.

You eat dinner at two in the afternoon...
...lunch around ten,
breakfast the night before.

You spend most of your time in malls
looking for the ultimate soft yoghurt...
