...and muttering
"How come the kids don't call?"
The 80s, you'll have a major stroke. You
end up babbling to a Jamaican nurse...
...that your wife can't stand
but who you call "Momma".
Any questions?
Danny was embarrassed
to tell the class what my job is.
They're nine! They get excited about the
guy who gives them change at the arcade.
You just happen to have one
of those jobs that's difficult to...
Believe that a grown man
does without losing his mind.
Well, what is my job?
I sell advertising time on the radio.
Basically, I sell air.
At least my father was an upholsterer.
He made a sofa, coach you can sit on it.
Something tangible.
What can I point to?
Where's my work? It's air. I sell air.
So what are you saying?
You wanna quit?
How can I quit?
I'm trapped.
- You're trapped?
- Yeah. You want to send Holly...
...to a performing arts school.
- She's got talent.
Talent? She was in one play,
and she fell off the stage.
That's not talent, that's gravity.
And that school costs money.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Where are you going?
- I'm sleeping at Gwen's.
Are you paying rent there?
- Dad.
- We're having a birthday party.
- I don't wanna hang out with your friends.
- I told her it'd be all right.
We'll have a family party tomorrow.
- Bye, Dad. Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Let me show you
how I pop my shoulder.
Danny. Dan.
Come on.
He's in the gifted programme at school.
Come on, go to sleep.
Kim, you poor thing. What has married
life done to you? You look like hell!
Six months. Admit it. You didn't
think Ed would ever get married.
He met the right woman.
- How often are you meeting that woman?
- You're lucky it's your birthday, pal.