Good party.
Is that what you've been trying
to tell me? That you feel like Phil?
- Like Phil?
- Am I gonna be sittin' here some night...
...and some checkout girl
comes here looking for you?
No, no, of course not.
I know you're not happy here.
You're not happy at work.
I know how men think.
"I'm not happy here. I'm not
happy there. I'll be happy... here."
You make me happy... here.
- No, I make you feel trapped.
- No, you don't. It's not you.
How do you think that makes me
feel when I hear you say that?
I didn't mean you.
It's me.
I... I just feel lost.
Kim was telling me
about this cattle drive thing.
- Maybe you should go.
- What about Florida?
You'll be miserable in Florida.
You'll make me miserable.
- You hate my parents.
- I don't hate them.
Come on, you have known my father
since you were 18 years old...
...and you've never
called him by his name.
What is his name?
It's a joke.
I was just joking.
Look, I said I'm gonna go
and I'm gonna go.
You don't understand what I'm saying.
I'm not saying it's all right
if you don't wanna come with us.
I'm saying I don't want you to come.
Go away with Ed.
Take Phil.
I am giving you these two weeks.
It's my present.
Go and find your smile.