* You have a head start
* If you are amongst the very young
* At heart
Look, a stray.
You take him, Mitch.
- No, it's the first one. You get him, Ed.
- No, let Phil have him.
- No, you get this one.
- Are you sure? There's gonna be plenty.
You get this one. I'll get the next one.
Then Ed, then you...
Like a round robin?
That's good, yeah.
- So who gets this one?
- You.
- Come on. Go!
- Out of shoot No. 9!
Hey, go Mitchy!
No, no.
Don't go back there. No!
Think I can't see you behind there?
Come on, now.
Here we go.
Come on now.
Here we go. Come on.
It's like chasing a mime.
Yee-ha, cowboy!
- All right!
- All right, Mitchy!
I did it!
All right!
Hey, moonwalk.
I'd like to thank
everybody for helping me get my stray in.
All right, all right.
Come on back.
All right, now, easy on the clutch.
Cut the wheel! Cut it, cut it.
That's it. Straight back and park
and lock it. You got the keys, sir?
Whoo! I wish the kids coulda seen that.
Dump it into the personal,
then make out the cheque.
- He should know. He's our accountant.
- You're our accountant.
- Don't... Just get a Mets score.
- Arnold, I'm losing you.
We're going behind a butte.
Arnold, what's the Mets score?
The Mets... I lost him.