She was wearing a little cotton dress,
and the settin' sun was right behind her...
...showing the shape
that God had given her.
What happened?
I just turned around and rode away.
I figured it wasn't gonna get
any better than that.
Yeah, but you could've been,
you know... with her.
I been with lots of women.
Yeah, but, you know, she could've
been the love of your life.
She is.
That's great.
That's... not great.
No, that's wrong. You passed up
something that might have been terrific.
- My choice.
- I never could have done that.
That's your choice.
A cowboy leads a different kind of life.
When there were cowboys.
We're a dyin' breed.
Still means somethin' to me, though.
In a couple of days,
we'll move this herd across the river...
...drive 'em through the valley.
There's nothin' like bringin' in a herd.
See, now that's great.
Your life makes sense to you.
- What's so funny?
- You city folk worry about a lot of shit.
Shit? My wife basically told me
she doesn't want me around.
Is she a redhead?
- I'm just saying...
- How old are you?
- 38.
- 39.
Y'all come up here about
the same age. Same problems.
Spend about 50 weeks a year
gettin' knots in your rope.
Then you think two weeks
up here'll untie 'em for you.
None of you get it.
- Do you know what the secret of life is?
- No. What?
- This.
- Your finger?
One thing.
Just one thing.