OK, tell me what you know
about Argo Motors.
They're our biggest client.
21% of last year's billing.
26. They're headed up by Eugene Forrest.
He came aboard two years ago...
In a hostile takeover. Thinks the future
of automobiles is in computerization.
Rumor is now that he's looking
to merge with a Silicon Valley type.
Wrong. He found it.
LorCoTron Electronics.
Jeez. Big time.
But there's a catch.
And this is where we come in.
Three years ago, a class action suit
was filed against Argo,
claiming that their 1985 station wagon,
the Meridian, blew up on impact.
- So? Lawsuits are a dime a dozen.
- Did they have a case?
No. I've handled Argo since that car was
still on the drawing boards. It's totally clean.
We persuaded the other side's attorneys
that they couldn't win.
But now another firm has re-filed.
A much more aggressive firm.
The new American way.
Find the guy who built it, then rob him blind.
- So what do we do, guys?
- Settle, for chump change.
- Confidentiality clause, don't tell the papers.
- No, we have to win in public.
LorCoTron is a very conscientious
company, very consumer-oriented.
This LorCoTron thing is time-critical.
You can't...
If I decide we fight it,
one of you will be on point.
It's good input.
Thanks for your time.
My hobby is rebuilding American cars...
Get outta here!
You have to give me this case.