I don't see the humor.
Fred Quinn thinks
he can rattle me with my daughter.
What if she wins?
Some day, maybe, but please
don't force me to be immodest.
No one ever had to before.
- Whose side are you on, anyway?
- Oh, Jed. Don't be an ass.
- Absolute nonsense!
- What do you mean?
You don't know what you're talking about!
What do you want me to do, buy her flowers?
- She hates me!
- She doesn't hate you.
She hates me, goddamnit.
- I see it every time I look in her eyes.
- Oh, yeah?
Yeah. I don't hate her
and I have every right to.
Does it matter to her
that these cars are blowing up? No.
Does it matter her that people...
babies are being killed? No.
Does she care that she's in bed
with the vilest kind of corporate vermin?
- I'm talking to you!
- No, you're not. You're talking to the jury.
Listen, Jed. I love you dearly
but you are a superior, self-righteous bastard
who's never satisfied
with anybody or anything.
If I were Maggie,
I wouldn't want you to be my father either.
- So I'm the bad guy here?
- Oh, I don't know.
I should have locked
the two of you in a room years ago
and not let you get out
until you'd kissed and made up.
But I thought, in time,
you'd come to your senses.
Boy, was I wrong.
So now I spend my life
between two bickering children,
both of whom are old enough to know better.
Especially you.