- I gotta go home.
- No.
I think what you gotta do is stay here
and be here with your father.
He'll be fine, Nick.
He's got you.
He's got me, yeah, but he needs you.
He needs you, Maggie.
Laura's looking for you.
Take your dish.
Thanks for coming.
See you.
I never knew she kept this.
My jelly-jar glass.
Do you remember when she boycotted grape
jelly in sympathy with the farm workers?
Yeah. And all I'd eat was peanut butter
and grape jelly sandwiches.
- I didn't know that.
- Yeah.
I solved the problem, though.
Or at least I thought I did.
I found a grape jelly without
any grapes in it. All chemicals.
- She'd never let you eat that.
- No. But it put her in a moral dilemma.
Should she satisfy a demanding child
with an affront to human rights
or cop out to toxic sludge?
- What did she do?
- She introduced me to marmalade.
Hey, Jed. Give a call.
OK. Thanks.
What a mess.
Your mom was always
in charge of organization.