No, only what I read in the paper.
You left Mom and me at home. Of course.
I'd just turned 13.
My first boyfriend had dumped me.
And I could have used you.
Young love was always
your mother's line, Margaret.
I was busy trying to keep
the planet in one piece.
Burning a few bras in the process.
I was more interested
in burning draft cards.
Really? I thought you were more
interested in the women's movement.
Relationships were more casual
in those days. It was just more open.
Oh, please!
I'm so tired of the '60s crap.
I was on the road for six,
nine months at a time.
None of this ever meant anything to me.
Not even Alice Worth?
So that's it? Case dismissed?
- You're out of order, counselor.
- And you are guilty as charged.
Alice Worth was my law partner.
Oh, please, Dad!
You think I didn't know?
- This is none of your business, goddamnit!
- Alice Worth was very much my business!
She wasnt just some nameless one-nighter.
Alice was a friend.
She was Mom's friend. Mine.
She was everything I wanted to be.
She was smart and beautiful and a lawyer.
I used to follow her around in here, to watch
how she'd cross her legs or hold her drink,
and then Mom finds her letters to you.
She never cried in front of me.
She wouldn't do that.
But when she thought I was asleep,
I could hear her.
Alone in her room,
sometimes three, four in the morning.