- I'm really tired of this ancient history.
- She was never the same after that!
Something in her eyes went dead.
Margaret, you have to know
that I was committed to your mother.
No. In one fell swoop,
you took away the woman I admired,
the mother I knew
and the father I believed in.
The conscience of America.
Defender of the huddled masses!
The only thing you cared
about the huddled masses
was how tall you could stand
on their shoulders!
- Wait a minute. There's more to this...
- I'm going.
- Wait. I spent my life trying to help people.
- Oh, yeah?
Got any thank-you notes
from Jack Tagallini recently?
Margaret! I had nothing to do with that.
Oh, yeah?
I think you're being a little modest.
Before you met Jack Tagallini,
he was just a nice guy,
pissed off at the cost
overruns at Zembella Air.
- It never occurred to him to go public.
- He didn't know how. I had to show him how.
You forced him! Or conned him! Or whatever
it is you do to get on the cover of Newsweek.
Oh, Jesus Christ!
I was on the cover of Newsweek
because I was right. Goddamnit!
That jury was out for two hours and 27
minutes. They gave us every single point.
But what about Jack Tagallini?
You turned him into a whistle-blower
without telling him what it would cost.
He lost his job, all of his friends,
his professional life.
That case changed the law! It affects
every single person who gets on an airplane.
- You stopped taking his calls.
- I helped him.
- No, you dumped him!
- The world keeps turning.
I had other people to help.
You dumped him!
I couldn't hold his fucking hand, OK?
No, you didn't hold a hand unless
it was young, female and attractive!
You're a user, Dad.
You used Tagallini and all those women
and you used Mom!
Goddamned hypocrite.
How dare you question my behavior?
You, whose claim to fame is being
one of Quinn Califan's young Nazis.