Do you want a rabbit?
They are the best ones.
I even got them toilet trained.
- Dr. Pavel?
- Yes?
I'm Margaret Ward. My law firm was in
contact with you and said I'd be stopping by.
I'd like to talk to you
about some research you did
while you were working
at Argo on the Meridian.
What Meridian?
A car. You did extensive research
on its electrical system.
It was project 0243.
I'm no longer good with numbers.
It was a 1985 model, station wagon,
and you said there were problems with it.
- The depth charge!
- Excuse me?
That's what I called it, the depth charge.
Herbert, stop flirting with the lady.
- Depth charge, sir, is...
- You want to know about the circuits.
Yeah, yeah. OK.
- I saved their ass on that one.
- Really? How?
- There was this guy. A hillbilly.
- Hillbilly?
- What's his name?
- You mean Getchell? George Getchell?
That's the one.
Getchell, that's the name.
He was your supervisor for 16 years.
16 years.
Just testing, testing, testing.
Did you know that whatshisname designed
the circuit and I was supposed to test it?
But he said "Alexander Pavel,
leave it alone. "
"We've already tooled up for it
on the assembly line. The circuit is OK."