Class Action

I think that's the first time
I ever heard you say that.

I guess I should work on that, shouldn't I?
Come in.
- These are for you.
- Fine.

Nothing terribly important. Interrogatories,
depo summaries, witness lists.

Just leave it.
Michael, you were right.
I would make a lousy messenger.
I'm listening.
I saw my father last night.
We talked about a lot of things.
Even got some of them straightened out.

Afterwards I did some thinking
and I realized...

I realized it had been a long time
since I'd done any thinking. It felt good.

Somebody once told me
an emotional lawyer is a bad lawyer.

- I've been a pretty bad lawyer lately.
- No argument.

I've come very close to blowing everything
around here for everyone, including myself.

So, what do you say?
You forgive me, I'll forgive you.
Or I'll forgive you, you forgive me.

Tell me what you know about Pavel.
