- What?
- All the cops have wooden legs!
- They sure do!
- # And the bulldogs #
- # All have rubber teeth #
- # And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs #
# The farmers' trees
are full of fruits #
# And the barns
are full of hay... #
- Whoa, hold on!
- What is it?!
Flat tire!
Hold on!
Oh, man.
All right, I'm gonna find a place
to pull over.
Oh, man.
Excuse me.
Hey, I like this place.
Maybe we could build
some houses,
just like
"Gilligan's Island."
"Gilligan's Island"?
After all
that's happened, Annie,
- what's wrong with going home?
- Dad...
- vacation was fine.
- Yeah, fine.
Let's face it, Annie,
it's just not the way
that it was.
Dad, Mom's been dead
for two years.
It's the way it is.
We have lift-off.
Honey, look, why don't you
just hit the cooler,
get yourself some pop? But stay close,
'cause I want to fix this tire
and get on home.