Critters 3

- Hello! Hello, Annie.
- Hello.

Welcome home, dear.
Come in.

Did you have
a wonderful trip?

Dear, say hello to Annie.
They've just been to
the Grand Canyon.

Say, did you know
they just discovered
an alien graveyard there?

- Who did?
- Government.

Wait till you taste
what I'm cooking today.
Where's Johnny?
He'll love them.

Tell me about
your trip, dear.

Oh, yeah. Well, we froze
to death in Arizona,

saw these Indian caves
in Mesa Verde,

and met this weird lunatic
near Grover's Bend.

He jumped right out
from the ground.

So you had a good time?
Grover's Bend?
I'm making Mr. Menges'
favorite dish today.

Ham and beans.
Will you and Johnny
stay for dinner?

No. It's our last night
together with Dad.

He leaves on the 8:15
to Chicago.

We better save
the tarts till later.

I don't want your father to say
I spoiled your dinner...

Hello, girls.
How you doing, eh?
Are you a little hungry?
How about I give you to
the old farts upstairs tonight?

Iris Arms
Apartment Complex,

Frank Longo
at your service.

what's the good news?

Yo, right here.
Right here, Mr. Briggs.

I hope you did
what I'm paying you for.

Yes. Yes, I did.
Yes, I did.

Mario is history as
of right now.

You promised me
all of them.

I lose my investors--
Hey. The way I look at this,
is that you are making
all the "el giganto" profits
off the sale of this shithole,
