Goddamn it, Bernie,
keep us out of that stuff.
I'm not the pilot, Rick.
- Fran!
- I'm on it.
Al Bert...
Where's your so-called
Looks like 12 degrees
to make about 35 burn.
Roger. I got it.
Give it to me in five.
Ethan, I know you
are there.
On deck. Pronto.
I'm on my way.
Looks like a live one.
Is it hollow?
No can say.
What's it doing out here?
Looks beat up.
Trajectory's pretty weird.
It weighs about a ton
and a half.
It could be a space probe.
Or an escape pod.
Whatever it is, it's a ton and a half more
beer money than we got now.
So, do we do,
or do we don't?
Bernie, go down
to the bay
and let's see if we can
put a track on this.
It won't scan.
I can't tell you
what's inside.
Where are you going?
Well, sir...
if you simply must
possess this thing,
then I must go downstairs
and make sure
that the gravity panels
still drag in a ton and a half.
- Okay?
- Just...
Make it so.
Aye, aye, Captain.