It's rust.
Magnify times four, please.
Now it's great big rust.
aim a blower
at that section there.
Anything for you,
madame pilot.
Look, right there.
You see?
It's a factory stamp.
Foundry marking.
No, it isn't.
It's the old
intergalactic council stamp.
- Before they dissolved?
- Yeah, the old logo.
Aw, come on. Who cares?
If it belongs to somebody else,
then it's not salvage.
We got to report it,
S.O.P., Captain.
We still get paid.
I'll log it.
I don't want another stolen property
rap up my ass again.
Bernie, get yourself
up here.
Well, somebody must
own the thing.
Al Bert, talk to me.
Nothing on any
of the registration channels.
It's not been listed missing with central in
the last 15 years at least.
Hold on.
I think I've got something.
ID transmit incoming.
Third quarter profits,
403 trillion new bucks.