Yeah. I left all my stuff in LA.
I thought it would be
easier to be someone new...
if I didn't have all my old junk
lying around.
It's water.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Still drinking out of jars, though.
Why do I do that?
Do what?
Want to see something really ugly?
I bite my nails
when I'm nervous.
You nervous?
Yeah. I guess.
I like you,
and that makes me nervous.
Well, you know,
I'm nervous too.
Meaning, you like me?
I'm working on being forthright...
and in my previous life, I would have
waited for the guy to say something first.
Hey, do you mind
if I ask you something?
I mean, would it be okay if we had
an agreement, you know, just about us?
I mean, not that there is an us yet,
of course, but, well, what if-
What if we made a deal
before we go to bed?
A deal?
Well, yeah.
You know how you-