I believe you experienced
something weird.
I'm not convinced it means
what he says.
- You think I'm crazy?
- I think we need a second opinion.
- What do you think happened?
- Sounds like a past-life experience.
You said you were good.
I used to think it was bullshit,
but it happens.
I had this one crazy old lady.
Really batshit.
She was so claustrophobic
she'd choke in Yankee Stadium.
I thought, you know
what I'm dealing with here?
Maybe some childhood trauma.
I'll use hypnotherapy.
I'll find some memory.
I'll regress her.
Sure enough. Bingo!
There it was.
She was five years old.
She had this uncle who'd molest her
in the closet.
Really sick shit.
I thought, "I got it! " No.
A couple more months,
she's still claustrophobic.
I said, what the fuck!
I'll regress her back even further.
This time when I ask her the year,
- She says 1832.
- 1832?
When I hear that,
I say, "Right, lady. Blow me."
But she keeps going. She says there's
this father who's an undertaker.
She has a brother
who liked to lock her in coffins.
I don't know if it was bullshit
or if it wasn't.
All I know is after that session,
she wasn't claustrophobic any more.
A lot more people believe in
past lives than don't.
I'm sure that makes her
feel a lot better.
This lady screams in her sleep today,
right now. I don't care who she was.
I want to know who she is.
Do you believe what you saw was real?
It seemed real. Yeah.
Stick with the junk man.
He's on the right track.
- I'll tell you why.
- Look...
Sometimes a trauma in a present life
can lead you back
to a trauma in a past life.
If you resolve that past-life trauma,