Thank God, you're all right.
- You don't recognise me, do you?
- No.
In a few days, it'll all come back.
- Who the hell are you?
- I'm sorry. Doug O'Malley.
- So?
- This is my fiancée.
When I got home and
you weren't there, I went crazy.
Then I saw your picture in the paper.
- Why doesn't she recognise you?
- It must be the Dalmane.
- The what?
- Dalmane. It's for insomnia.
- "Kathryn Pierce"?
- Sometimes it causes memory lapse.
- Are those his?
- This has happened before?
Once when she took too much,
but I was around that time.
- Whose clothes are these?
- Where were you this time?
- I had a job interview back east.
- What kind of ring does she wear?
It's an Irish wedding band.
I gave it to her in high school.
I'm still going to need
a little more.
I found this near the front door.
You must have dropped it.
- Why can't I remember you?
- You will. I swear you will.
I promise.
Is there some sort of fee
involved here?
Forget it.
You should get something
for your trouble.
- Let me pay for your expenses.
- Just...
Just take good care of her.
I don't know what...
Thank you for everything, Mr Church.
Have a nice life.