- Jeez, what a body!
- Laura... is more than a body.
- Laura?
- Laura Claybourne. She plays Rachel.
Sorry. You must really follow this shit.
No. I write this shit.
Yes, Mom, I got the brownies.
And the Mace.
Mom, will you please stop worrying?
Everyone gets mugged here
at least once a week.
Guess what. I'm going up for
a part on your favourite soap.
Beyond Our Dreams. Yes, really!
Oh! Just a minute, operator.
Hang on, Mom.
Oh, shoot!
I'll be right there, Mom!
Ohh! Agh!
I'm sorry. I didn't see you.
Here, let me help you up.
- Oh!
- Jeez. I'm sorry.
I am sorry. I-I-I...
- Ohhhhh!
- Ohhhhh!
- Are those real?
- Oh!
- Ohhh! I don't know what to say...
- Excuse me. I'm on a call.
These things happen, I guess.
I'm terribly sorry. I... I didn't see you.
I didn't see her. I just didn't see her!
Mom, you can't believe what... Oh! Oh!
Where have you been?
You missed the run-through.
Monday's show is two minutes over.
The Sherwoods cut a scene.
Without telling me?! They said we'd
discuss it. They're always doin' this!
- Did you get that refrigerator for Laura?
- Yeah, yeah.
- That should keep her happy for a week.
- Mickey, I know you don't like her,
but she's very sensitive. She's got
more going on than people think.
Is it visible to the naked eye? Jack, when
are you gonna stop kiddin' yourself?