Arlene, I don't like
the hostility I'm hearing.
People like the Hedisons just the way
they are: Rich, ruthless, glitzy.
I just think the audience'll love
that Rachel has to get a job!
Jack, I thought we already discussed
this whole thing about Rachel.
What whole thing?
Oh, no! Rachel stays in the show.
Listen, boychik, Laura's contract
is coming up. Do you have any idea
how much money those mamzers
at the William Morris office are asking?
She's worth it! Rachel works great
and so does my new bible!
Jack, if you'll excuse me,
part of your new bible works great.
We both love this Jack Gates character,
this Wolf of Wall Street. It's brilliant.
Great character, great.
But forget Rachel! She's out!
We got a good idea. Rachel is horseback
riding with Paul. The horse throws her.
Goodbye, Laura.
Goodbye, Morris Agency.
- No. Forget it. No.
- Or... or... we can give her a brain tumour.
Wonderful, a brain tumour! What's that,
the third brain tumour this season?
- So what?!
- Jack, it's a long season.
Oh, I don't believe this!
Come on! This sounds like the kinda crap
Arnie Fetterman would come up with!
You're bringin' in Arnie Fetterman,
aren't you? He's gonna rewrite me.
Absolutely not.
Are we gonna bring in hamburger
when we already have steak on the table?
You'll kill the show! You don't know
what the hell you're doing!
How dare you talk to us like that?
Do you hear the mouth he's opening?!
I'm sorry. I don't like fighting and arguing.
I just feel very strongly about this.
Who cares how you feel?!
This is a television show.
Arlene, he's talking feelings.
We have to listen.
I'll tell you what. You think about Rachel
and we'll think about Rachel. Is that fair?
- I guess.
- So what's with the long face?
We'll work things out.
There's a lot of love in this room, Jack.
We love you. And... we hope you love us.