That's strange.
My gums are bleeding.
"With tears in her eyes,
Rachel runs to him."
Nah! Too corny!
(Phone rings)
- Hello.
- It's Janet.
- Where are you?
- I'm in my father's lab, what's left of it.
What a jerk I was! I can't believe it! No
wonder you didn't wanna buy the formula!
- You were gonna steal it all along.
- What?!
You're working for the Hedisons,
aren't you?
- What?!
- Well, I'll burn it before they ever get it!
I think your friends are still here.
- What friends?
- Well, they're gonna be sorry.
Janet, if there's someone there, get
outta the house right now. Call the police!
I swear, I had nothing to do with this!
Janet? Hello?
Hello? Hello, Janet? Hello?
Janet? Hello?
Hello? Hello? Hello, Janet?!
Janet? Hello?!
Jesus! I didn't write any of this.
Of course. It's Fetterman again!
OK, you two-bit hack.
Now we're gonna play some hardball.
Interior. Dubois lab.
All you have to do is show us your
father's notes and we'll be on our way.
I'm telling you, he never even
figured out that formula!
We'll see about that.
- Give yourself a break, lady.
- (typewriter)
Where did that window come from?