Come on.
Bah Bah
Bah Bah Bah
Frankie, check it out.
How Iong?
How Iong?
We're not going to the hoteI.
We're going to go to this joint first.
A nice IittIe joint.
It's highIy recommended in the tour books.
Now, Now.
Thank you,
Keep it cIose.
Hey, Frankie,
What is this?
It's a mah jongg parIor.
It's a cross between dominoes
And five card stud.
Try a hand.
I'm gonna taIk to this guy.
Frank, Frank, this is you.
You want to stay here, beautifuI.
I'II be at the hoteI.
I'II take a shower
And shave and a sauna.
No, no.
Trust me.
No, we'II go together.
I want you to see something,.
Chad, come on.
Trust me.
This pIace sucks.
Hey, Boss.
Just the way you Iike it
Very hot.
For your friend, too?
What's wrong?
What's wrong with him?
I don't know.
What did he give you?
Cash money.
I Iove Hong Kong.