After I finished my tour in Nam.
HaIfway through construction,
He ran into money probIems,
So he puIIed in Griffith as an
Equity partner.
Now, Griffith...
Got his cash
From a secret Ioan,
Courtesy of the Zhang famiIy.
When the tunneI was compIeted
And my...
EmpIoyer's construction expertise
Was no Ionger needed,
They had him and his wife X'd out
By a triad hit team.
OnIy the triads fucked up.
Because they had two sons babies
Who they were going to wipe out
So they wouIdn't come back and cIaim
What was rightfuIIy theirs.
You're fuII of shit.
And Katherine Wagner
And their two sons
And AIex.
Those two men, can we find them?
AII right, Iet's go after Raymond Zhang.
You've got an army waiting outside?
Did you hear what he just toId us?
These were our parents.
Look at them.
I hear aII kinds of buIIshit
Everyday, PaI.
You want some advice?
Take your fancy cIothes
And your bIack siIk underwear
And go back to DisneyIand.
That's it.
I guess you and I, Frankie...
Like aIways.
You want some reaI action, though guys?