Fire! Fire! Fire!
WeIcome to Hong Kong.
Chad, take a bite.
Be a man.
What's it supposed to do,
Make my dick bigger?
AII right, AIex.
I think that Chad and I
EstabIished our credentiaIs yesterday.
Now, What do we do about your tunneI?
My tunneI?
Is there any sort of proof?
Any IegaI documentation?
There doesn't have to be, GirIie.
I was there.
I got the scars.
Those won't carry much weight in court.
Let me teII you something.
The onIy court of Iaw
That Zhang knows
Is the Iaw of a 1 2 gauge shotgun,
One of which he used
To spIatter Mr. Wagner
AII over Victoria Peak Road!
I don't need to Iisten to this any Ionger.
What's her probIem?
She's working for Griffith for five years now.
Oh, great.
She's going to teII him everything.