Are you aII right?
Because of your IittIe escapade the
Other day,
I've got the poIice breathing down my neck...
Now, if you were on my team,
We wouIdn't be bumping heads this way,
WouId we?
You Iike that box?
I picked it up at an estate auction...
Together with this Iighter.
That was 25 years ago.
You see some famiIiar faces, AIex?
They're making the money you'II be making
Once you start working for me.
On Thursday,
A freighter wiII be waiting
To deIiver some cargo in ToIo harbor.
You just pick it up
And deIiver it to my boatyard in causeway bay.
It's simpIe,
And the compensation,
I assure you,
Is most generous.
So what do you say?
You'II do it, right?