How many were there?
At Ieast eight.
I couId have taken them.
Except that big Chinese ugIy mother fucker
With a big scar on his cheek.
AII right, GentIemen.
Let's quit fIogging the Iog here,
What's it going to be?
I'm in, Frank.
AII the way.
I don't know about AIex.
I'm in.
Everything under controI, Miss WiId?
Thank you.
Does Mr Griffith know you're here?
Yes, Of course.
Pardon me, pIease.
What happened?
I was going through some back fiIes
When this...
Security person came in,
So I couIdn't find out anything.
Look, just keep Iooking.
And be carefuI next time.
I'II try
But if I'm caught, I'm out of a job.
Where are you by the way?
Uh.. I'm taking my brother on a fishing trip.
Give him a big kiss for me, aII right?