AIex? AIex who?
Here, this is the cognac for Mr Zhang.
Just arrived from MarseiIIes.
Number one.
WouId you Iike to dance?
Yeah. Why not?
You are very handsome man,
Like Sean Connery.
Uh huh.
What's that?
French Cognac, Sir,
From our friend AIex.
He knew about Iast night's shipment.
Invite him in here.
We'd Iike to have a drink with him.
WouId you Iike to dance with me?
WouId you excuse me for just a minute?
More cognac, eh?
WeII, guess what.
The big boss wants to thank you personaIIy.
Hey, that's
That's nice.
In there.
I've got one more case of cognac in the car.
I'II be right back.
No, no, you don't seem to understand.
Mr Zhang wouId Iike to thank you now.
Are you hearing me?