- How are you?
- Good.
- Casks.
- Yeah.
- Oak.
- Oak, right.
He's an expert.
Is that the cask room?
Want a tour? Come on.
There's this crazy old lady
who owns this place.
She'll do anything I ask
because she loves me.
Yes. Like a mother
loves her idiot child.
This is Estelle Whittier.
- Hilary.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Victor.
- How do you do?
- Victor.
Uh, well, we thought
we'd take you to lunch.
- Victor's driving.
- Pass.
Well, have lunch with me.
How are you doing over here?
Want some more wine?
All right.
- Thank you, Annabel.
- You're welcome.
- It's a maze.
- Yes!
- Very good.
- Tell him what's in it.
- What?
- My three husbands.
- Dead.
- Buried, he meant to say.
By me.
Each one in their turn.
Good men.
No one knows where.
Sooner or later, everyone tries
to find them and get back out.
- Not many succeed.
- It can't be that hard.
Take my word for it.
Step inside, and you're lost.
Brewer's yeast.
"Delightful nutty flavor. "
- I'm sure.
- It's good for iron.
- Iron! - Oh, Tiger's Milk.
Ninety-five percent protein.
"Four heaping teaspoons
in a glass of milk. "
Just enough
to choke an ostrich.
Help me find, um,
Royal Jelly. I need Royal Jelly.
Do you know
what RoyalJelly does?
Is this a quiz?
- What?
- You look sweaty.
- It's hot in here.
- Let me.