Oh, my God! Why, it's a maze!
Not yet. Wait till I get up there.
All right, all right.
Okay, wait a minute.
- Wait.
- All right. All right. Okay?
- All right?
- All right. Wait, wait. Go, go!
My first husband
built the damn thing.
He used to run through it naked.
- Gordon, I think we should go get him.
- Oh, no. He's doin' fine.
One minute, Victor!
Yes, yes, Gordon.
The clock is ticking!
Okay, let's find the center here.
We'll go...
Damn it.
- Three minutes, Victor!
- Yeah.
Are you lost? Want some help?
I don't like this.
I'm gonna go get him.
- No! No, no, no.
- Let her go.
Victor? Victor?
Lost my head there for a...
Okay, find the center here,
and we'll get out.
Goddamn it!