Dying Young

A pail? Are you kidding me?
I had a pail.
It had the Six Million Dollar Man on it.

- And every time you
opened it, it squeaked...

and everybody would look.
Did she give you, uh, peanut butter
and banana sandwiches?

No. Fluffernutters.
Van Gogh.
Van Gogh is the answer.
What is the question?

Oh, okay.
- Too late.
- No. Again. Go again.

Youngest president.
- No, you have to ask the question with an answer.
- Kennedy.

- T.R.
- Who?

- Colors of the French flag.
- Red, white and blue.

- Blue, white and red.
- Oh, come on.

- Sculpted the Pietà.
- Do sports.

Executed by Elizabeth I.
Do sports, for Christ's sake.
Mary, Queen of Scots.
The "S"in U.S. Grant.

All right, wait a minute.
Simpson. Grant. Grant Wood.
Grant. Grant Wood.

Come on, honey.
You should know this one. Grant Wood.

American Gothic, for Christ's sake, honey.
Whoa, contestant number one,
hold up, hold up.

Aren't you gonna play, sweetheart?

Victor, we'll play
if you do sports or sitcoms.

- Okay, we'll do sitcoms. Sitcoms? Great, okay.
- Yeah, okay.

Uh, he wrote Lysistrata.

Sitcoms, Victor.
Come on. Like Mr. Ed.

Shakespeare. That's a sitcom.
She Stoops to Conquer. Oliver Goldsmith.

- This is no English class!
- They're all situationally comic.

Hils, what is he doing? What are you
doing, Victor? For Christ's sakes.

Jesus, come on!
Nine. All right. Nine.

Hello! Hello in there!
Gordon, don't.
Number of players
on a baseball team, Gordo.

Here, let me help him.
