They're about to blast them
The Allies are blowing up cranes in
Westhafen. They're dismantling...
To prevent another German
military power from rising up
They're destroying everything that
could be used for military ends
I fail to see how the few cranes
we have left might pose a threat
The food supply situation
will become even worse
You're so naive, Kat. The cranes
are loading coal for IG-Farben
The Americans are clever, they
get hold of the chemical patents...
...and then they destroy the plants
to prevent production
All in the name of demilitarization
So that's that. You can
serve the coffee now
You must understand, Leopold...
Our family has always treasured
international contacts
Pay us a visit from time to time
How about dinner on Friday?
I'm sure you'll like Alex
We studied together in Berlin
and now he's back in Germany
Colonel Harris