just one thing I could do
to make up for such a loss
as Morgan.
I go on, as Tennyson said,
and the world darkens around me,
"among new men, strange faces"
and other minds.
You have my deepest
and most sincere sympathy.
Real sorry about Mr. McPherson,
What's this?
Thought he was single.
He was.
He was four days ago.
You know this girl, Chief?
Yeah, she's a looker.
Probably first piece of ass
he's ever had.
When did you get married, son?
Last time in port, sir.
You know you got to have
Navy permission
to marry a foreign national?
Your folks know?
No, sir.
Do you love her?
Well, yes, sir,
of course I do, sir.
I-I got a picture of
her here in my wallet.
No, that's all right.
It's all right.
You violated a major
regulation, Hardesty,
but I'm going to sign
your chit.
You realize that you're legally
and morally obligated
to this girl.
Do you know that?
Yes, sir.
Do you understand
what that means?
You got to support her.
Yes, sir.
This aircraft
has not been cleaned!