Now go on.
Well, I attempted to throw
the aforementioned puke
to the crocodiles, sir,
when his belt caught on
the railing and I failed.
An altercation
then ensued, sir.
700 bucks damage,
30 men in the brig
and an alligator injured...
and you got away.
Using escape and evasion
techniques, sir,
I was able to avoid
being captured and, sir,
we didn't hurt that crocodile.
He was fine when we left.
Yeah, he was okay, skipper.
Damn it, stand up!
Who gave you permission
to sit down?
Who was with you?
I'd rather not say, sir.
That's the same thing he said.
Mr. Cole.
I couldn't help but overhear
the conversation,
and I thought
I might add something, sir.
Then go ahead, mister.
These men were victimized, sir.
Exactly, sir,
they were victimized.
We were lucky to escape.
I saw the whole thing.
And I'm sure you'd let me know
if these gentlemen
were at fault.
That's affirmative, sir.
That'll be all, Mr. Cole.
Yes, sir.
All right.
All right,
I'll cover your asses--
both of you.
Because you told the truth,
and kept the faith.
But if I catch
either one of you
shitting in some
vital area on my ship,
you'll be keelhauled--
and that's serious
on an aircraft carrier.
Get out of here, Cool Hand.
Yes, sir.
As for you, Razor...
running with known
psychopaths now, huh?
Who am l, Razor?
You're third-generation
Mafia, sir.
You rodent.
I was built with this ship.
I am a weapons system,
and there was a cost overrun!