I think that's the most I've
ever heard you say at one time.
Look, man.
I hate SAMs.
I get all worked up
just thinking about them.
When I tell you to do something,
just make sure you do it.
I can tell this is going to be
a real love affair.
Break left.
All right, that's enough.
That's enough.
Just checking.
Devil 5-2-0, feet dry.
Roger, 5-2-0.
We copy, feet dry.
Good hunting, Cool Hand.
Let's let them know we're here.
Put your mask on,
it's going to be a gunfight.
Man, we've been made.
Give me 1 5 degrees, nose up.
A SAM just lifted off-- 1 :00.
Oh, Jesus,
there's another one!
It's not any fun until
they send up three at once.
Then we give the Gomers
our first rocket
while you dive under.
Oh, I do, do l?
Where do you get all this
confidence in my ability?
Now that's four.
Are you happy now?
Aim at the strobe.
Come on, come on.
They're going into high PRM.
Just a second.
Shoot, shoot.
Spread out, spread out left.
I told you not to look.
Hang a left and hit
the shaft, goddamn it.
Two more dead ahead.
Get your nose down!