Just another
flight-controlled radar.
Look at that thread direction.
It's coming up behind us.
Maybe a conical missile scan.
That's no missile scan;
that's a MiG, baby.
Black Eagle,
this is Devil 5-2-0.
We got a bandit
crawling up our ass.
Get those F4s over here.
And I do mean expedite.
Now, let's get out of here.
Give me 20 degrees, nose up.
What are you, crazy, man?
That's a MiG.
We don't even have a gun.
No, but we got a shrike,
and that'll take care
of the radar site
that's guiding the sucker.
Come on, you crazy bastard.
Goddamn it, I'm going to shoot
before he gets it.
Not yet, not yet.
That's it.
Right there.
Close your eyes.
Drop your flares
and cut your heat signature.
Hard right.
Oh, God.
We got a flame out.
Engines just shut down.
We got to get power
for a restart.
Emergency generator on.
Okay, throttle up.
Here goes nothing.
A thousand feet and dropping.
You're decelerating.
Come on, come on.
Air speed 200 knots.
We're going to drop
Iike a rock at 180.
Well, then why don't you eject?
Screw it.
I came along for the ride.
Come on, you sucker, light up.
Come on, baby.
250... 200.
Things are coming alive.
Yeah, we got restart.