Flight of the Intruder

Yeah, you beautiful, wonderful
little aerodynamic wonder, you.

Whoo! Flow with it, yeah!
This is X-Ray 201 and 2.
We have your bandit in tow.
He's ours, gentlemen.
Cavalry's on its way.
I've had enough fun.
Let's go home.
Wash the windows,
check the oil.

Hey, what happened
to you guys?

A couple of minutes back there
you didn't answer my calls.

Oh, that.
We had a MiG after us.
We did an engine shutdown
to throw him off.

In the middle of combat?
Cool move.
Cool as a jewel.
That's bullshit.
I pulled back on the throttles
too much.

That was a major screw-up,
and you know it.

Well, don't worry.
It won't affect my decision.
Your what?
If you were a candy ass,
I'd ask for a new pilot,

but I figure you'll do.
Hey, Jake.
Hey, man.
What you doing up here?
Ah, it's a good place to think.
Oh, yeah?
Me, too, huh.
I like the noise.
It's good, it's good.
What do you got there, Box?
It's just some mail,
you know, outgoing.

Is that all yours?
Well, yeah.
I got a lot of people
to write to, man.

This is only Post City,

These are my favorites.
These I like, too.
Now, wait a minute.
You had time for this
and for evaluation?

I got a lot
of responsibilities, man,

you know?
